Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Christopher Columbus Essay -- History Columbus

Christopher Columbus is credited as the audacious voyager who challenged modern thinking and found the land now known as the Americas. Columbus not only discovered new lands, but also opened trade with native peoples and brought substantial wealth and glory to the major European powers. In addition his ventures not only enabled the spread of the gospel to pagan peoples, but also set the stage for the emergence of the United States of America. Without Christopher Columbus the United States would not have been a separate state for over 500 years or more or not at all. However, despite all that Columbus did, people still fail to recognize the journey he undertook before Columbus set off in his first ship. The public is still unable to comprehend, despite years of education, the internal and external struggle and the ridicule Columbus was forced to go through for just believing in what he thought was correct. His courage in the face of ridicule is what really makes Columbus a national he ro in that age as well as in this era. Christopher Columbus’ acts of perseverance, his moral courage, and his adventurous spirit continue to inspire the people of today. Through this intercourse, Christopher Columbus’ work has not ended, for it is continuous as it persists to imbue the people of today with the ability to succeed in the face of an unknown future. (Philips 13) Christopher Columbus’ perseverance and persistence have long been a part of the philosophy of modern thinking. Columbus displayed high acts of persistence as he rode the waves of uncertainty to the land of success. When Columbus sought audience with King of Portugal in 1485, he was humiliatingly denied funding for his proposed idea to sail west to get to India. If, Columbus had g... ... the various values that Columbus passed on to us. Works Cited 123Holiday. "Christopher Columbus Biography." Columbus Day. Microsoft Encarta, 23 May 2003. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Cohen, J.M. (1969) The Four Voyages of Christopher Columbus: Being His Own Log-Book, Letters and Dispatches with Connecting Narrative Drawn from the Life of the Admiral by His Son Hernando Colon and Others. London UK: Penguin Classics. Davidson, Miles H. (1997) Columbus Then and Now: A Life Reexamined, Norman and London, University of Oklahoma Press. Khurana, Simran. "Quotations: Hope." Quotes Quotations. 2001. Web. 27 Nov. 2010. . Phillips, W. D. and C. R. Phillips (1992) The Worlds of Christopher Columbus. Cambridge UK: Cambridge University Press.

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