Saturday, September 7, 2019

To what extent does the European Union policy of free movement of Essay - 1

To what extent does the European Union policy of free movement of persons discriminates against the non European 'others' - Essay Example ts with open arms2. Economical The second paragraph discuss the economic aspect of the Xenophobic approach of the EU whereby it will talk about the exceptions in the form of the UK and France that threw their doors open to immigrants as a means of enhancing productivity and access to cheap labour for low skilled jobs and as a means to attract the best talent possible for high skilled jobs3. The third paragraph will be a continuation of the ideas in the second paragraph that the approach did pay off for these countries though a certain point was reached in recent years where these countries feel that they can no longer sustain the pace of immigration at the earlier levels4. Social The fourth paragraph will discuss the high levels of immigration into these countries that has resulted in creation of ethnic communities and the rise of ghettos in the UK and France which has added impetus to the anti-immigrant lobby’s drive to restrict immigration as they point to the lack of assimi lation by these communities and the resultant loss of social cohesion5. In the fifth paragraph, we will analyze how the ideas in the fourth paragraph have led to a strong feeling that immigrants are unwelcome because they do not fit in to the culture of the countries to which they immigrate6. The six paragraph will state how further the instances of riots in France in 2005 and more recently in London and other parts of UK have been blamed on the immigrants and their lack of respect for the culture of these countries7. The seventh paragraph will examine how all these trends have resulted in the EU adopting a tough stance on immigration. What adds to the situation is that many countries in the EU do not need low skilled immigrants any longer since they have gone up the economic and technological curve and so there are no low skilled low wage jobs anymore8. This eighth paragraph will examine how further, the proportion of immigrants who apply for these positions is disproportionate to the size of their population which makes these countries look askance at these immigrants9. The ninth paragraph will talk about how, even in the high skilled and high wage category, the growing trend is to hire locals and only when the locals are not available can the employers look for immigrants to fill the positions. This has resulted in laws being mandated that require the employers to justify the need for immigrants to be hired and hence there is a legal aspect to the hiring of immigrants as well10. Political In the tenth paragraph, we will examine the political aspect of the issue whereby, talking of the legal angle, the EU has put in place strict anti immigration policies in place that restrict the number of people who would be accepted into its member countries. This has resulted in the EU closing its doors to asylum seekers and immigrants because of the reasons outlined above11. This eleventh paragraph w

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