Saturday, August 24, 2019

Analysing .... Internet Marketing Strategy Essay

Analysing .... Internet Marketing Strategy - Essay Example It is therefore important that the companies come up with clear strategies for them to succeed their Internet marketing. Backcountry came to this realization and developed a number of strategies that saw them succeed greatly. The success of Internet marketing highly depends on various factors including developing good business plans, having simple websites, involvement of customers in the design of the website, choosing suitable technology and using Internet marketing tools. Moreover, the Internet marketer must establish correct relationships, adopt end-to-end solutions, acknowledge legal responsibilities, properly utilize customer data and incorporate the Internet channel. Retailers who go Internet are set to reap greatly from it, owing to its global market and efficient management information systems. However, they must also take the necessary measures to avoid the negative effects of the technology such as privacy concerns and security issues. These challenges not withstanding, In ternet retailing seems to be the future trend and the sector must fully embrace it. For greater success in the future, and in view of the rapidly changing technological world, Backcountry needs to adopt various new strategies to retain or improve its market niche. Internet marketing refers to the process enabling consumers to buy goods and services through the Internet. The retailers of these goods and services are referred to as a virtual store, Internet store, web-store, web-shop, internet shop, and e-store or Internet shop. There are various types of Internet marketing sites, depending on the nature of the organization. They include Business to Consumer-B2C, BusinesstoBusiness-B2B, and Business to Employee-B2E, Government to Consumer or Citizen-G2C and Consumer to Consumer-C2C. The most common forms of internet marketing are business-to-consumer (B2C) and business-to-business (B2B) transactions. This form of shopping has penetrated many aspects

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