Saturday, February 15, 2020

Marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing - Assignment Example 1. Most Important Marketing Component A proper and complete Marketing plan consists of all the components as they complement each other and together have a direct impact on the product’s performance in the market. Amongst every component, Promotion can be considered as the most important component of the marketing mix as it actually drives the consumers’ purchase decisions as put by Kyambalesa, (2000) in his book  Marketing in the 21st Century: Concepts, Challenges, and Imperatives. Promotions are the only way through which the consumers can be made aware of any brand and the values which it promises to deliver. By using a full 3600 advertising campaign with strong brand activation campaigns, a company can ensure that the customers are fully aware of the offering which will directly result into sales and revenue for the company (Egan, 2007). 2. Component of Marketing Plan: Importance of Implementation and Controls As explained by Egan, (2007) in his book  Marketing communications, promotional campaigns are the strongest mode of communication between a marketer and the consumer. A strong promotional campaign is of no value to the company and the brand is it is not accurately and effectively implemented.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Media of age group Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Media of age group - Research Paper Example Social media is now more suitable for advertising for age group of 18-24, because young adults spend their time on surfing internet. The site also make easy to promote ads as compare to newspaper through Twitter and Facebook. In future, it can be easy yet powerful way for an organizational to produce and dispense a social newsletter on the fly. Now a day’s journalism is taking a beating during this downswing. Interwoven throughout our daily lives, media intimate their messages into our consciousness at every turn. The power of pro social programming can be so strong, Livingstone ads, that even fierce content when portrayed realistically and in the context of outcomes, it can be beneficial. Websites and Email are far and away should be the highest-priority marketing tactics for small businesses. By a survey younger age group, 92% said websites and social media are among their most important tools, with 85% also putting media in that